Friday, June 25, 2010

Where DID she get that?

So Im still new to this blogging thing and Im exploring blogs that I find interesting and similiar to my tastes. So imagine how it felt to stumble upon a blog like "wheredidugetthat" I gasped, in total awe and amazement.

I loved it! if I could describe my sense of style using pictures Id refer you to Karen's blog. OMG  the eclectic mix of old and new, her clothes look like angel's threw them on her (as Viviennne Westwood would say,lol).

Anyways, Im always scouting to see talented black bloggers with a great sense of style and there's so few of us out there. It's always great when you find a gem like her. these are some of the pics from her blog:

All these pictures are taken from I do not take any credit for these pictures as they originally belong to the blogger mentioned in this post.

XOXO The Peace Lovers Affair...